The Vredefort Dome case study focuses on a number of
different factors that affect the environment. Vredefort Dome is situated on
both sides of the Vaal River. Water pollution is Vredefort Dome’s biggest
threat. The pollution is caused by the mining industries that release chemical
waste products, higher up the river at Vanderbijlpark and Vereeniging. The
industries are located on/near the river banks. This affects the fragile bio-diversity
in the river. Chemical mixtures and other water contaminants
cause aquatic animals problems with breathing while on the other hand these
chemicals can also be quite toxic for land animals once they drink this
polluted water. The stench is a major turn off for visitors and residents that live in
and around the area. We claim to have an issue but no one is “aware of it”.
This densely inhabited region impacts negatively on
the river’s water quality. The quality of the river is a good sign of how life within the community
treats it. It is a pointer of the socio-economic conditions and
environmental awareness and attitude of its users. Everything that happens
in an area is reflected in the quality of the water that flows through it,
because the results of human activity and lifestyle ultimately end up in
rivers, through runoff. The water we drink and use is taken from the
Vaal Dam.
We are
often told that the water in the Vaal River is of a good quality by international
standards. From the Vaal Dam the water is transported via canals and pipelines
to a water purification station. Rand water has two water purification stations
in Vereeniging. When the water passes through the water purification process
all the dirt particles are taken out of the water and all the germs are killed
by disinfectant, chlorine. Once clean, the water is pumped into reservoirs and
then it flows into our taps. It is there that you receive enough clean water.
But how
sure are we that the water from the Vaal River that then flows into the Vaal
Dam is 100% clean? When chemical toxins and waste materials are released into
our main water source? When we buy seafood, how sure are we that the seafood
hasn’t got a disease from the toxins or pieces of plastic particles in it? Research has shown that with all the chemicals
used in purifying water, it will have a negative impact on the human body over
time i.e. triggers cancer.